I love condiments. Our fridge door alone is home to at least 50 different sauces, spreads, toppings, and dressings. I have written before about my love for "Rooster Sauce" on my
Saucy Sauces post, but I think I have a new favorite: "Goya Adobo All Purpose Seasoning With Pepper". I guess it's not exactly a condiment, but it definitely can be used to season food - both during and after cooking. This particular variety of the Goya staple is made from Salt, Tricalcium Phosphate (whatever that is - eek!), Granulated Garlic, Black Pepper, Oregano, and Turmeric. I have been finding new uses for Adobo everyday...and not just in Latin foods. In the last couple of weeks I have used Adobo:
to season sauteed spinach
to season homemade marinara sauce
in black beans
on pizza
on popcorn (yum!)
Since salt is the main ingredient in Adobo seasoning, you should probably sprinkle with care, but I definitely reccomend trying it out.
My MIL got me into Adobo, and I love it too. Oregano, pepper, turmeric, mmm. I think, like Maggi, it has MSG, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Here's an interestign article on MSG, umami, and health effects:
Mmm, Adobo is in frequent use in our house, most notably by The Husband. Any time he makes meat, or even some rice, out it comes. Love it.
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